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Bridging the Gaps for a Successful Change

Can some smart adjustments make daily work easier? Or does a clear vision and change strategy offer the help needed to overcome resistance?

Streamline helps organizations with various change issues, from resistance to change and ineffective communication to culture change and technological integration.


Organization Scan

At Streamline Solutions we understand that efficient business processes and good collaboration are essential for success . The Organization Scan provides in-depth insight into your current processes and lays the foundation for improvements .

What is an Organization Scan?

An Organization Scan is a tool to analyze and optimize your business processes.

How do we proceed?

  1. Mapping: We identify all process steps, activities and parties involved. This includes visualizing the process steps and the mutual relationships.

  2. Efficiency and Bottlenecks: We detect inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Where are the opportunities for improvement? Where can we save time and resources?

  3. Visualization: We create clear process maps using symbols and flowcharts. This makes your process clear and understandable for all team members.

  4. Advice: We present our findings and recommendations.

Why an Organization Scan?

  • Insight: You and your employees get a clear picture of the current processes.

  • Optimization: We identify opportunities for improvement and efficiency.

  • Productivity and Satisfaction: A streamlined process leads to smooth running of activities within the organization.

Ready for the first phase of your business transformation?

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.

Change strategy

Na onze grondige Organisatie Scan, waarin we de complexe draden van jouw organisatie hebben ontrafeld, is het tijd om de juiste veranderstrategie te bepalen. Samen verkennen we de volgende vragen:

  • Waar willen we naartoe? 

    • ​Doelen:  We definiëren duidelijke doelen en een gewenste toekomstige staat voor jouw organisatie. 

    • Stappen: We identificeren de specifieke stappen die nodig zijn om jouw doelen te bereiken. Dit omvat procesaanpassingen, technologische implementaties en cultuurveranderingen.

    • Prioriteiten: We bepalen welke stappen prioriteit hebben. Wat moet eerst gebeuren? Wat kan later worden aangepakt?

    • Stakeholders: We betrekken alle relevante belanghebbenden bij het proces. 

    • Planning: We stellen een realistische planning op. Wanneer gaan we welke stappen zetten? Hoe verdelen we de inspanningen over de tijd?


Op basis van deze inzichten zoeken we een passende strategie die jouw organisatie effectief naar succesvolle verandering leidt. Hier houden we rekening met het menselijke perspectief. Welke emoties spelen een rol? Wat houdt verandering tegen?


Neem contact  op voor een vrijblijvend gesprek en ontdek hoe Streamline Solutions jouw organisatie kan transformeren! 

Change Management

Change is not just about processes and structures, but also about the people who work with them. Guidance for employees is essential for a smooth change process.

Here are the steps we take:

  1. Communication: We ensure clear and open communication with all employees. We explain why change is needed, what the benefits are and how they can be involved.

  2. Training and Education: We offer training and education to familiarize employees with new processes, systems or working methods. This increases their skills and reduces resistance.

  3. Emotional Support: Change can evoke emotions such as fear, uncertainty or resistance. We listen to employees, offer support and help them deal with these feelings.

  4. Feedback and Evaluation: We involve employees in the process by asking for feedback and evaluating them regularly. This way we can make adjustments where necessary.

Together we create a change process in which employees feel heard, supported and motivated .

Contact us for a no-obligation consultation and discover how Streamline Solutions can guide your organization

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